Mudsock 5 Raises $7,750 for Two Worthy Causes!

Location: Mystic Waters Campground in Pendleton

All About Mudsock

Mudsock came to be as a result of Jenna Todd winning a backyard concert with Russel Dickerson as the entertainer. From there Brandon Cass suggested to throw a party, cover our cost, and if we had any money left over donate it to a charity. Jenna has close ties with Children’s TherAplay of Carmel. So it was an easy choice. The first year we donated $3,500 and funded the stall for a therapy horse named Moe. 2020 was cancelled. 2021 we raised over $6,000 and are the primary sponsors for the therapy horse named Music. In 2022 we raised $4,000.00 to continue our sponsorship for Music (the horse). In 2023 we raised another $5,000.00 and sponsored our new horse, Luna. In 2024 continued sponsorship of Luna and began sponsorship of Pony Boy by donating $7,250.00.  We also are giving a scholarship to Monroe Central High School for $500.00.

Visit our Facebook page for photos and videos of this year’s event.


What is TherAplay?

Children’s TherAplay is the largest clinic in the country providing physical and occupational therapies on horseback, through an innovative treatment strategy called hippotherapy. Our kiddos experience transformational outcomes through these unique therapies.

Our families journey with TherAplay began when Maxwell, Jenna’s son, was 18 months old. When Maxwell began therapy he was only able to roll from place to place. We quickly began to see Maxwell’s progress in strength, balance and his coordination. All of Maxwell’s firsts happened at Children’s TherAplay. He went from a child who could only roll, to using a walker, progressing to walking on his own and gaining skills to be able to be more independent at home with dressing and feeding himself. Maxwell also, gained skills to enter school such as identifying letters, being able to hold a pencil and using scissors. Maxwell recently graduated from Children’s TherAplay March of 2021 because he reached the weight requirement. We are forever grateful to this wonderful organization and truly believe Maxwell would not be where he is today if it weren’t for TherAplay.